Sunday 14 July 2024
EXCLUSIVE to attendees of the Australian Photographic Prize 2024.
With more and more businesses competing for a customer's attention every year, it can feel overwhelming to try and keep up, or stand out.
We drop our prices, we raise expectations, we work longer hours, we hustle the socials… anything that can get us booked and busy. And the freedom we felt when we began this journey starts to be replaced by something more like, desperation.
Which is a really sh*t story to be in.
this masterclass helps you build better stories
Client stories. Business stories. Life stories.
This two hour masterclass explores three key questions:
Not all art is ‘story’ and not all photography has to ‘tell a story’, but this class is for the times where you are looking to capture meaningful and compelling narratives for your clients or for yourself.
Attendees will learn the fundamentals of good storytelling, and how to quickly apply it to their capture process.
We’ll also explore the underground elements of story that don’t make it to the training rooms, but are vital to our business success.
What is my
Business story?
How do you talk about your business? Who are you when you relate to staff, peers, clients? Why does your business exist?
When you use the language of story to describe your business, a client is more likely to be moved, to connect, and to commit.
Attendees will wireframe their own compelling business story, and build a simple “north star” script to begin talking about their work in a way that customers will feel compelled to be a part of.
Even the best business leaders struggle at times to stay focussed. To avoid distractions and comparisons, and choose the right path forward.
The Ambition Map is a story-based goal setting framework that helps you get moving in the same way that a writer would get a character moving in a book: have a clear ambition, overcome obstacles, find your people, experience transformation, win the day.
Attendees all receive their own ambition map templates and will be guided step-by-step through the creation of their own story plots.
About NAthan Maddigan - Story Coach
story coach
/ ˈstɔː.ri kəʊtʃ /
someone who provides narrative guidance to businesses, leaders, and creators.
Nathan is an international award winning photographer, author, book designer and story coach. He uses story theory to help businesses and teams transform their identity, and helps writers and artists create meaningful stories with their work. He is also the founder of the award-winning book design business Self Titled Studios.
• TEDx Curator & Speaker Coach.
• Master Photog. (1 bar) and Past President of the AIPP.
• Master Photog. (Dist.) New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography.
• 2023 - Pro Photography WA Orloff Awards Highest Scoring prints - Travel and Documentary.
• 2022 - Australian Photographic Prize Finalist (Travel) Semi-Finalist (Reportage).
• 2020 - NZIPP International Professional Photographer of the Year.
• 2018 & 2017 & 2015 - AIPP Western Australian Professional Wedding Photographer of the Year.
• 2018 & 2017 & 2016 - AIPP Runner up Australian Wedding Photographer of the Year.