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The Christmas show

One year in my early twenties, I was in a Christmas production for our local church. I played Joseph, soon to be married to Mary, the mother of Jesus. I’m not sure how I was roped in to this role, but it probably had something to do with Mim.

Mim - Miriam was her full name - was the kind of human that was just born with shine. At nineteen years old, she was already completely fine in her own skin - confident, dorky, just as willing to get up on a stage as she was sweeping up the trash after a show. She laughed all the time, and she talked all the time, and her talk was filled with questions, ideas, and rants about God and boys.

Once, she was so into her monologue that she followed me into the church bathrooms, all the way in. She even stepped up to the urinal with me, at which point I waved a hand in front of her face, pointed down, and laughed “Mim. Urinal.”

“What?” She looks around like she just teleported onto the tiles, and her eyes go wide. “Oh shit!” she squeals, and careens away, like a baby giraffe on a slip-and-slide, “Ew! Ew! Gross! Ew!” Mim was great.

So, Mim and I were in this play. For a week leading up to Christmas we would act out the birth of Jesus - the Christmas story. Mim played Mary, and most of the days she got to hold a real live baby, which was pretty special for the audience. There were shepherds, and wise men, and a star, and a choir. We even had a real donkey. Just the one donkey, but it somehow represented all the animals in the manger, or something. What it did best was leave enormous landmines at the door of the church. But between the dumping donkey and the real-live baby Jesus, we had a pretty solid production going on.

What I remember most though, was the Thursday lunchtime show. The show where everything fell apart.

First, the baby wasn’t available. Double booked for a Huggies commercial I suppose. “Fine,” says Mim, “I can nurse a little watermelon or something."

Then, the donkey got lost, somewhere on the farm. Then two of the three wise men had forgotten to ask their parents for permission to be here, and were stuck at home. One by one, the cast dropped away, until our production manager Kelsey declared that we’d have to cancel. She said it was only a small group of parents anyway, and they could attend the Friday show.

Mim shrugged, and looked at me. “What else can we do? We can’t play all the roles ourselves, and I don’t have that many watermelons."

I looked back at her, and because she had asked the question, I felt I needed to answer.

“Let’s do it anyway.” I say.

“You’re kidding. With watermelons?” Mim claps her hands.

“Watermelons are expensive.” Kelsey states with a frown.

“No, not watermelons,” I’m staring over Mim’s shoulder to the television in the corner, some talk show is playing on mute. “Let’s have a question-and-answer time. Mim, you and I can just be Mary and Joseph and let the audience ask us questions. We can still share the Christmas story, but it can be more casual, you know?"

Kelsey is still frowning, but I know she’d rather run something than have to cancel. Mim is nodding slowly, eyes bright, a little half-smile on her lips.

“Let’s do it!” Mim announces.

So, an hour later, before an audience of twenty, Miriam and I walk onto the stage, all dressed up in cliche Biblical attire, and pull up some stools.

Back then, I had no idea what the ingredients were for a successful story. I thought we just share information, and label it “story.” That was what our production had been doing all week: We were pretty much laying out the information about Jesus’ birth, with some actors reading some lines.

So when our first question, from a young mother on the front row, was “Um.. How was your trip to Bethlehem?” we replied with some information: “Oh, fine thank you. We took a camel from here to here, there was no room at the inn so we found a stable…” etc. Even as I was sharing it, I felt the energy dropping. Information-sharing isn’t the same as storytelling.

Another question followed, for Mim, “Mary, it must feel wonderful to have such a supportive man by your side, while you carry the Lord’s child inside you?”

It wasn’t even a question, but Mim responded with a smile, “Oh yes, it's really very nice."

Energy. Dropping some more.

What happened next was out of character for me, except that I was playing IN character, so it seemed to fit. A man in the back row was already asking another question, and I stood up, with my fake beard and funny robe, and I held out my hand, which stopped the question mid-sentence.

“Hold on.” I said, taking in the surprise on each face, and the concern on Kelsey’s. “I.. Um..” I looked at Mim, who looked equally surprised, but excited too - she gave me a little nod and a smile. “To be honest,” I continued, “it wasn’t nice at all. It was horrible.”

There were a few gasps, and Kelsey slapped her palm into her face, but in such a way that she didn’t even blink, which I thought was impressive.

“What was horrible, Joseph?” A grandfather at the side of the group seemed truly curious.

“The whole process!” I replied, sitting back on my stool and shaking my head. “How would YOU react to your fiancé suddenly and mysteriously becoming pregnant, and then saying the baby was God's?” Mim caught up instantly.

“It’s true, Joseph was a mess! He did not NOT take it well.” She crossed over to me and put her hand on my shoulder, still addressing the crowd. “He thought I’d cheated on him. Then he though I was mistaken, making it all up. We had some fights.”

“Some big fights.” I continued. “I mean, she’d never done anything like this before, but it was really hard to get my head around. I was so angry.”

“What were you angry at?” A tiny woman sitting on the floor called out.

“Well, I was angry at Mary, for being so calm about it all, and I was angry at God, for doing things in a way that I just NEVER understand, and I was angry at myself, for not knowing how to deal with it all.” I took a breath. "I wasn’t being my best self, and I couldn’t change it, and I hate that."

I had passed my hand over my eyes for a second, and when I looked up, everyone was staring at us. There were nods in the crowd, a few tears. Mim returned to her stool, and the questions after that became a lot more interesting. We talked about the Christmas story, sure, but we did it in a profoundly human way, with real emotions and conflicts and doubt.

We’d somehow shifted from the surface questions of “what happened?” to the deeper story-questions of “what did you make all that mean?” and “what do you believe about it?”

At the end of our hour, the audience applauded and many came over and hugged us. One man said that he finally understood something he’d been struggling with for a decade. The tiny woman on the floor shook my hand solemnly and said that she absolutely does not believe in God, but she thinks He did a good job when He created human emotions.

Another woman drew Mim aside and sternly advised her to raise the child well, and not let him ever be ashamed of his beginnings. Mim nodded sagely and thanked her with a hug.

I think I remembered that hour so clearly because, out of all the shows, this one seemed to matter. Whatever happened there wasn’t the usual information-sharing, with a bit of entertainment thrown in. It went deeper. The audience were moved. And we felt great playing our part in that movement.

I reckon this was what playwrights felt when they put a new play on the stage, and saw their audience engaging with the story. And it is probably why they write such elements into their scripts as vulnerability, honesty, conflict and beauty.

Because we want our interactions with others to matter. And all these elements of humanity - the vulnerability and the conflict - help to unearth the stuff that matters.

The "inspirational writer"

This week Rach and I attended a book launch for a dear friend of ours, John Woodhouse, whose book I had designed. It's an enormous art book, so the launch was also a one-night exhibition, with framed proofs of images from the book up on walls for purchase. A few hundred people attended - artists, collectors, models, restauranteurs, business owners, photographers, writers - the group was extraordinarily diverse.

As we mingled and flowed around the artworks, we would strike up conversations with strangers, sharing what we loved about a particular piece on the wall, or what we loved about John. Just as each artwork was born out of nothing, each of our conversations and connections were now doing the same thing. Nothing into something. I was loving the evening.

A half-hour into the event, I was being introduced to someone, and it went like this:

“Nathan is a writer - he writes inspirational words… He’s an inspirational writer. You write inspirational words too, don’t you? Beautiful. You two should talk..”

And we talked. My new friend quickly clarified that no, she’s not an “inspirational writer,” she just writes as honestly as she can, and she hasn’t even done that much lately. And I qualified myself too, explaining that I don’t even understand the term, but it didn’t sound as complimentary as I’m sure it was intended. “Inspirational” sounds like some kind of advertising angle, or self-help guru. Here, have a warm fuzzy to get you through your day.

Not that it matters, really. In writing, in art, in life, we all do things, and everyone else makes it mean something for themselves, and we have very little control over it.

Sometimes the things people conclude about us are complimentary, and we feel great about ourselves. Other times, it’s hard judgement, and we feel horrid. Either way, us humans seem to have this uncanny habit of subscribing to it.

We just go there, immediately.

“She said I was rude to her friends! What a bitch!”
“He called me fat! He’s so mean… but he’s right, I think.”
“They gave me an award! I. Am. Amazing!”
“I didn’t win the award! I'm so crap and talentless.”
“She told me I’m boring… I am so boring.”
“2000 likes! I am so popular!”
“Only 39 likes.. I am such a nobody."
"There's a comment on my feed about my face. Am I ugly?"

We take these tiny comments from others, and we blow them up, we call them truth, and we put so much head and heart space into them. We subscribe.

There is a character in episode five of BJ Novak’s wonderful new show, The Premise, who describes her Instagram commenters as truth-tellers. "They are objectively right” she declares, because they are distant and don’t know her, so can’t be subjective. And her own voice doesn’t matter, because she is too close to herself, so can’t be objective.

Obviously it’s pretty extreme to write off the opinions of anyone who actually knows us, and trust only in the opinions of strangers. But it’s equally extreme to only believe ourselves, our “inner voice” and ignore any praise or criticism from others: how would we ever grow?

So where do we land, then? If everyone is just doing their best to fill in the gaps of their understanding of each other, no-one is going to get it right. We’re all essentially playing Marco Polo in the dark, hoping someone will guide us towards our best selves.

There is a well-known phrase in storytelling, “show don’t tell,” that encourages the writer to let the character come to life through their ACTIONS, not through any words the writer might say about them. If the character is brave, for example, we don’t write “Emily was a brave woman.” Instead we place Emily in a situation that elicits a response, and when she acts bravely, the audience draws the insight of bravery for themselves. The words aren’t truth. The action is truth.

Extending the concept, if Emily were to SAY something like “I am so brave,” it would also not mean anything until she acts. If she says “I’m fun” or “I’m so boring” or “I am not rude” or even “I am inspirational,” none of the words really matter.

Once she acts, then the audience knows the truth. She has to SHOW, not TELL.

To combat all the words, the judgements, the criticisms, the praise, perhaps we could just turn down the volume, and NOT subscribe. Perhaps we can use all that energy that we would have used to reply, defend, share, amplify and put it towards DOING something. Just doing the things that resonate with who we want to be.

People can call me an “inspirational writer” and they can call me a “shallow romantic dreamer.” They can say I’m a super privileged white man, and they can say I’m too young and optimistic. They can even say I’m a bad father, while others tell me I’m dad-of-the-year. And then I can say even more things about myself, just to try and keep up with it all.

But the best thing I can do, and the only thing that can really make any impact, is this:

KNOW what I think is important in life.
DO things that support that.

For me, here’s what I think is important:

I think we are all built to witness - to interpret our world and each other. We are built to inspire, encourage, excite and inform each other.

So when somebody makes what I say or do MEAN something for them, even if it’s different to what I intended, I will try and be interested, instead of defensive. They've seen something I haven't, and it could be useful for me to hear it, without taking out a whole subscription to the idea.

Because I’m still learning about myself, it’s all just words anyway, and tomorrow I’ll be getting right back into the truth-doing.

What I learned in the coffee industry

When I was in my mid-twenties, I quit my corporate office job to work across the road in a coffeeshop. It was wonderful. My whole role was essentially to serve, shine, and honour the customer. The mandate from the owner was to "deliver an experience”, to remind the customer that they are important, interesting and worthy of respect.

One of my favourite customers in the coffeeshop was Simon. Long black, two sugars.
He would stride in, run his fingers through his greying hair, and wink at the barista. “The usual, Ellie, and how are we all today?”
We would banter a bit, and bring his order out to his window seat, while he reads through the finance section of the paper. What made him memorable was how often he complained about his coffee - about twice a week, he would return to the counter, look me in the eye, and shake his head.
“Coffee’s shit today, Nath.”
And, in true the customer is always right style, I would nod, and lean in, and reply, “What are you tasting, Simon?”
“It’s burnt. The beans are burnt. Ellie screwed up the shots.” Ellie is right next to me, and utters a tiny sigh.
“Well, Ellie and I are so sorry. We screwed up. Can we make you a fresh cup?”
“Yeah, thanks guys.” (another wink.)
Ellie makes another cup, with exactly the same beans, same shots, and Simon loves it. And he returns twice more that day.

It’s the hospitality industry, right? A hundred years ago it was exactly the same. There's a a report from a 1905 newspaper about how the Sears Group treated customers:

"Every one of their thousands of employees are instructed to satisfy the customer regardless of whether the customer is right or wrong. The customer comes first, last and all the time.” - (Des Moines, Iowa, 1905.)

This is the hospitality mandate. We take care of the customer, give them what they want, make sure they’re happy, and they’ll return and buy again. We pretend that they’re right, so that they return, because we want their money. It’s a transactional relationship: "You are paying me money, so I am at your service.”

Thinking back to that coffeeshop, there were actually some concerning behaviours going on.

Simon, long black two sugars, believed he knew more about coffee than we did. The power to decide if the coffee is good enough rested entirely with him.

Tyson, two macchiatos for him and his dad, didn’t care about the coffee at all. But he demanded our time. No matter the queue, we must ask him about his shop and his family, and as long as we listen, he’ll return each day for more coffee. The power to control our time together was entirely with him.

Claire, skinny latte and a slice of toast, doesn’t even look at us. She’s often on her phone when she drops her cash on the counter, and she drums her nails continuously until her order is ready, and then she’s gone. We exist only to get her the fix she needs.

Now, for us hospitality staff, this was fine, par for the course. We knew that we were awesome at making coffee - that the beans were fine, the shots were great. We knew that what we were really selling was an experience, some attention, whatever the customer needed. We knew that in the end, the customer was handing over their cash to us, and that’s the transaction that mattered.

The fallout, though, was that we couldn’t respect those customers who didn’t respect us.

So we treated them like children - We pandered to them, played their little games, and then took their money. And, like children, the customer-who-is-always-right became entitled, entrenched in their belief that they deserved everything.

The power was out of balance, and the respect was out of balance. The expectations were all off.

I'm not making coffee for people anymore, but I do still experience these imbalances. As a parent, I've had children demand their way, as if I just exist to serve them. As a husband, I've sometimes forgotten we are a team, assigning respect and power based on the amount of income we each earn.

Health professionals have patients demanding more, and faster, and better. Receptionists are being abused for not performing. Bazillion-doller corporate deals are falling over because someone felt disrespected. People are dying because others have too much power.

I'm not saying that power is bad, or respect should be prescribed, or expectations should be lowered, or anything like that. These are elements of humanity that spark great and wonderful things in life. But, when the balance goes out, it happens subconsciously, and our response is disconnection: we can't even describe exactly why, but we feel it, and we distance ourselves from each other.

I honestly loved my time in coffee. I loved reminding others that they were important, and interesting, and worthy of respect. I want to be that voice in all my relationships, in all my business dealings. I'm realising that transactional relationships are everywhere in life, with so many "I gave you this, I now deserve that" imbalances, but it's okay. We're all human and we're getting there.

What gives me hope, though, are the outliers. Those characters in the system who just somehow rise above it. They’re in the game, but changing the rules.

Like Aldo, who would swing by for a double espresso every morning at 9:45. He's selling the most expensive commercial real estate in the city, but in the coffeeshop he is an equal. He lingers at the bar, asks us all about our lives and interests, notices when Ellie gets a haircut, asks for advice for his home coffee machine.

Or Wayne, decaf flat white, parks his bike around the corner. So excited about our lives. I shot his daughter's wedding.

And Lucy, who crosses the entire city for a skinny cappuccino from us, who asks for our ideas, shares her stories, and thanks us for making her feel so loved.

For these customers, we would do anything. Their humility and vulnerability opened the door for us to share a collaborative power. We all stood together as equal humans, just with different skill sets. The respect was balanced, and we all drew in, we connected, and were all empowered.

So, I'm working on being an outlier. In a world of transactional relationships, I want to find different ways to play the game. So that us humans can stay connected and equal, and share the power, and collaborate for truly great things.

On the road: The Coromandel, New Zealand

(April 2018)

We're returning from the Coromandel, heading back towards Auckland, and I'm in the back seat, staring out the window. Blurs of green and yellow and bitumen blue. In the rear view mirror I can see Tracey, just her eyes, and in the side mirror is Rach, just her collarbone, which I adore.

This landscape is so beautiful. Wide grassy plains, with occasional tightly gathered cows, heads all together like they’re planning a coup.

It’s the horizon that is the most striking now. These fields could belong to my own Australian landscape except for their horizon. Volcanic misty peaks, layered and foliage’d and quietly exciting. Patches of sunlight drift over the trees, like golden jellyfish ghosts.

Our lively conversation of the morning has dropped off now, replaced with a comfortable peace. Tracey reaches for her coffee, her eyes in the mirror are distant, contemplative. I start thinking about connection, how we do it and why. Out here in the vastness, it’s easy to feel insignificant, small, distant.

As if she saw my thoughts in her side mirror, Rach reaches a hand back behind her seat, fingers reaching, her palm a question, “Will you connect with me? Will you bridge this gap?”

My fingertips find her palm, and hers find mine, and we share a moment of no words, conveying soul-thoughts with the lightest touches, telling our heart stories to each other with tiny pressures and traces and piano taps.

I think connecting is work, and it’s risking rejection, and it demands a sacrifice of our time and our comfort and our independence. And the more we connect, the more these stakes rise. We sacrifice our reputation for vulnerability, hoping and trusting that this other soul will be a safe place for all of that. And we do it again and again, in so many forms, even after being hurt.

What’s the payoff for all this connecting work? Nothing tangible, really. Just feelings and self-worth and something we call “community”. And that intense heat in our souls that make us want to give and sacrifice even more, even if it costs us our life.

And maybe, also, when we connect we are voicing a solidarity - That us humans, in all this wide open infinite, are doing ok, and are worthy of being here, and are not alone.