It’s 6:30am already, so pretty soon I’ll be getting in the shower, heading downstairs to wake the kids, then making the breakfasts and getting out of here. But, I need to write.
For my Story Coaching Framework, I created a diagnosis matrix, where we can place our idea on a scale of “good story” and “told well”, and see how strong it is. Right now, whatever I have to write would land right down the bottom of both areas.
Nothing to say, not written well.
But, that’s sometimes the point, isn’t it? We don’t START with a good idea all the time, and we certainly shouldn’t wait until we have the exact right words to put down. That would be a slow and tedious journey of self-criticism and very little output.
No, a good story told well doesn’t have to start at “good”. It can start at “crap story told poorly.” Just get something down, then consider the message, the content, the creativity, the love, and make the edits.
A shitty first draft unlocks the door and turns on the light. The edit puts all the crap from the floor onto the shelves. Then we take the pieces we need from the shelves, build our stories, and send them out into the world.